Up and Coming with the AADA

Up and Coming with the AADA
Tuesday, 08 August 2017 06:10

AADA Article UpAndComingThe AADA has been working hard to provide valuable opportunities to members, including training opportunities, member events, and even ways for member companies to attend trade shows at discounted cost through grants and strategic partnerships.  There’s a lot to look forward to during the last two quarters of 2017 and going into 2018.  Here are some highlights from this year and events members will want to be aware of and participate in.

AADA Membership is now at an all time high at more than 35 companies and has grown every quarter since the organizations inception in 2006. There are also a number of new applicants still under review for membership.  Several companies have also been added from the Northwest Arkansas region, and the Alliance is looking at opportunities to organize an event in the area.

AS9100 Auditor Training is being offered for member companies on September 7th and 8th. The first training of its kind for the AADA, there will be a special one-time two-day training for internal auditors. The course provides a more affordable alternative to traveling out-of- state for training that is essential to augmenting and sustaining existing programs. The program focuses on providing low cost, local training to companies who utilize the ISO/ AS9100 Quality Management system. The training will not only provide insight to the upcoming changes to AS9100 Rev D, but train internal auditors for each company.  The 3rd Quarter Board Meeting will also be held on September 7th at the UA Pulaski Tech Business and Industry Center.

October 10th through the 12th the Alliance will be attending NBAA BACE in Las Vegas.  AADA will join 27,000 industry professionals for the three most important days of business aviation in the year. Ranked as the sixth largest trade show in the United States, the NBAA Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (NBAA-BACE) brings together current and prospective aircraft owners, manufacturers and customers into one meeting place to get critical work accomplished (www.nbaa.org). AADA will also partner with the Arkansas World Trade Center to provide a booth at the 2018 NBAA-BACE in Orlando, FL. This will drastically lower the cost of a company attending and participating with an exhibit space.

The Fourth Quarter meeting will be held on November 9th at Dassault Falcon Jet’s Little Rock site. A tour of the facility may be a part of the board meeting.  AADA Members are always welcome to attend Board Meetings when able.

Moving into 2018, plans are underway for a day at the Capital during the 1st quarter with the aim of highlight the Aerospace industry in Arkansas. More details will be released as they unfold.

The 10th Annual Arkansas Aerospace and Defense summit will be held March 27th and 28th.  Expectations are high that this upcoming Summit will continue the trend of improving upon previous years. Additionally, the Alliance is also looking forward to a 2nd Quarter event and Board Meeting in Northwest Arkansas.

As the Alliance strives to find new ways to support members and add value through events and offerings, comments and suggestions are always welcomed and appreciated.